Since last time the crazy weather has continued with more snow meaning two and a half days off school, and a tornado warning on Friday!
Last weekend I got to see the basketball team play against Pittsburgh. The atmosphere in the Dean Dome was amazing, and it was a really good game (so I’m told anyway, never having seen one before I didn’t have anything to compare it to!) Then I went round my friend’s house, and she cooked us crepes (she is French) which were soooo good!

They gave out free T-shirts in the UNC colours to stripe the stadium

They gave out free T-shirts in the UNC colours to stripe the stadium


Cheerleaders...GO TAR HEELS!!!

Cheerleaders…GO TAR HEELS!!!



This week on Tuesday I went out for a friend’s 21st, it’s really nice being able to celebrate with people and getting to go into bars I couldn’t go into less than a month ago! We ended up doing karaoke…and on Wednesday I woke up with no voice!
On Thursday we played basketball against our arch rivals, Duke University. It is the biggest rivalry in college basketball, by far, and in fact probably in the whole history of sport anywhere as people here absolutely detest Duke! It was particuarly hyped up because the match was originally scheduled for when it was snowing…although we maintain they could have travelled the 8 miles to get to UNC. I went out to watch the game at a bar…it was totally tense…and the game was really close too…but we won! Then it really kicked off…everyone ran to Franklin Street and started cheering/chanting/lighting bonfires/singing/climbing lamposts…it was craaazy, around 10 000 people out on the streets celebrating our victory… I’ve never seen anything like it !

Our mascot is Rameses and Duke is the blue devil

Our mascot is Rameses and Duke’s is the blue devil






This weekend I vistied the Duke University campus. It was a lovely sunny day, and their campus is really beautiful. All the buildings are done in an old style. It costs $60 000 to go there PER YEAR…I swear you could smell money!



Duke library

Duke library

Not that far from home!..

Not that far from home!..


Botanical gardens

Duke Botanical gardens

I also got to see two great films – 12 years a slave and Gravity this weekend. I’ve just been to yoga and am now in the dining hall but need to head off to the library soon!
Lots of love Xxxxxx

‘I believe in America…’

Hello !
It’s snowing here today, and apparently may be more snow on the way later this week!  On 29/1 classes were cancelled because of the snow, there really wasn’t that much of it – people in New York must find it hilarious that the governor of NC actually declared a state of emergency!  Campus looked lovely in the snow…

Snowy old well

Snowy old well

Bell tower on South Campus

Bell tower on South Campus

My new house

My new house

Hopefully more days like this when spring finally arrives!

It’s crazy how quickly the weather can change and how much the temperature fluctuates day to day…one day snow, the next day this! Hopefully more days like this when spring finally arrives!

Last weekend I saw The Spectacular Now at the cinema and went to a friend’s birthday party, plus went thrift shopping for the first time in Chapel Hill. On Sunday it was all about the Superbowl! I almost understand the rules of American football now…but the adverts and halftime performance, plus all the food are what it is all about!
This week was my birthday wahooo – I had such a great time celebrating and feel really lucky that I got to spend my 21st in the states. YAY to legal drinking again, and obviously took full advantage by going out 5 nights in a row…though before I started drinking during the day I went to an american high school as one of the courses I am taking over here is about teaching chemistry so we are observing lessons. It felt like I was in a film…was tempted to start singing High School Musical songs as I strolled passed the lockers….
Here are a few photos from the birthday celebrations…



This week I also went to see Rumors, a Tony-award winning Broadway play, a dance show and went to see The Godfather (hence the title of this blog post, it’s the first line of the film) ! And it’s such a good film.
That’s all for now folks…currently in labs so should probs go check on my experiment…