One more day (and exam)…

…until Spring Break! Wahooooooooooooo! Can’t believe I’m going to New York tomorrow! Eeeeeeeeeee!
Plus it means this semester is half way through, crazy how quickly the time has flown! Since last time there has been a few more 21st birthdays, and so have gone to more previously unexplored bars! Last Sunday I watched the Oscars, which was entertaining, watching the speeches. And without getting over emotional myself…they had a tribute to The Wizard of Oz (it’s 75!) which made me feel nostalgic for home! Truly no place like home…but also can’t believe I am getting to go to NY – I’ve always dreamed (somewhere over the rainbow…) of going there and now I am getting to!
We also had a day off class because it rained (apparently it was ‘freezing’ rain! Will prepare me for NY which I think is pretty chilly right now.)

This evening I met up with a girl named Claire, who I am related to through my Uncle Trevor. She studies at NC State Univeristy in Raleigh. It was great to meet her, as we first chatted on facebook last semester and she was lovely.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I’m actually going to The Big Apple….New York here I come!
Nighty night Xxxxxx

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