Helloooo again!

It’s been a while since my last post! The time has really flown by since spring break, there’s been lots of work to do but also been taking advantage of all the things there is to do here at UNC as I don’t have long left now 😦 (3 weeks til last day of classes, then have exams!) Plus the weather has finally perked up and spring is sprung, the campus is looking lovely with all the blossom at the moment and the arboretum looks beautiful. It’s so nice to (finally!) see the sun shining and a Carolina blue sky! (Not very good for productivity tho!)
I’ve just got back from watching the broadway show Avenue Q (unfortunately not actually on broadway this time, but it was really funny, its done using puppets and all the songs are hilarious.) Yesterday I went to a music festival on campus with local bands, was nice to be able to sit outside in the evening. Last weekend I went to a Pow Wow, where local Native Americans came in their costumes which were amazing, lots of colours and feathers and dance. I’ve also seen our baseball team play, and went to an acapella concert, really going to miss that when I leave as they sing all the time around campus. (Something I’m not going to miss is that last week there were these crazy anti-abortion protestors on campus who put up really graphic images, plus won’t miss the ‘Pit Preacher’ who is basically an old man who comes onto campus every week and spews out offensive stuff whilst holding the Bible…welcome to America, free speech etc…) I will miss having a paper to read every day – The Daily Tar Heel πŸ™‚ and I’ll definitely miss the dining hall!! Plus the people I’ve met, and the places we like going out to, I think my favourite is called Top of The Hill, it has an outside bit and you can see the whole of Franklin St from there.
Just have to make sure I make the most of the time I have left here πŸ™‚ and Mum and Dad are coming to visit me this week and I really can’t wait to see them and show them around!
Lots of love Xxxxxxxxx


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