Nearly the end…

WOW where did the year go???!
On Friday I had my final exam, and I just have presentation to do next week and then I’m finished!
Since my last blog post (it’s been a while) I’ve been really busy. Firstly, Mum and Dad came to visit me a few weeks ago, it was great spending time with them and fantastic to be able to show them the places I’ve talked about. Here are some photo from their visit…

Campus tour!

Campus tour!

At the weekend we went out to the NC mountains - this is on top of Grandfather moutain (a mile above sea level!) They also had an animal sanctuary with mountain lions and bears - they were really cute!

At the weekend we went out to the NC mountains – this is on top of Grandfather moutain (a mile above sea level!)
They also had an animal sanctuary with mountain lions and bears – they were really cute!

In the Duke Botanical Gardens

In the Duke Botanical Gardens

USA April '14 460

After that it was full on study/work mode as had lots of deadlines and exams coming up, it’s great to have them finally over with! Managed to see myself through with plenty of cookies from the dining hall! Went out over the weekend, strange being the final time I’ll go out in Chapel Hill. Also done lots of things I should have done throughout the year – like going to the Planetarium and  am going to the Ackland art museum later today.
Now I need to pack as I’m headed to New Orleans via Atlanta with some friends, before doing some travelling by myself which I am excited about. I will be back in England early June so hopefully see you then.
Lastly, thanks to you guys for reading my blog! Hope you’ve enjoyed reading it 🙂
Love Xxxxxxxxxx