
Can’t believe its a month tomorrow since I landed in the states!
This week I’ve had my first McDonald’s, can confirm they taste exactly the same as back home – not even any saltier unlike most of the food over here… Also had my first USA Cadbury Dairy Milk which tastes nothing like the real thing! Had an American ‘biscuit’ at this fast food place called Bojangles, it was like a scone but stodgier. Bojangles is this place that is very typically southern – they serve everything fried to the max and also serve sweet tea which tastes like very sugary cold tea with ice in – it is absolutely disgusting!
Last weekend went to Carborro which is the town next to Chapel Hill, which is very hippyish and cool. Also went shopping, only meant to pop to the supermarket to get some milk but ended up at Southpoint in Forever 21 spending my monies…
The main event though was the football! The whole town basically stops for the game and the school spirit is so infectious, plus people really dress up for the event (I went really casually in a UNC T-shirt which is what everyone usually wears around campus.) Before the match I went tailgating at some frat houses. Had absolutely no idea what the rules of football are so the game was pretty boring, but the atmosphere was amazing! I didn’t stay for the whole thing as its very stop/start (a game takes 3 hours even though they only play for about an hour) plus it was boiling hot. Stayed to watch the marching band at half time which for me was the best bit !

Tail gating at frat house number 1!

Tail gating at frat house number 1!



Me with the mascot, Rameses, and its owner! it has painted Carolina blue horns! His family have been breeding them since 1924!

Me with the mascot, Rameses, and his painted Carolina blue horns, and its owner!  His family have been breeding them since 1924.

Marching band!

Marching band!

This weekend I went to the beach, callled Ocean Isle about 3 and half hour drive from Chapel Hill. (After 7 hours listening to country music I have to confess I think I’m now a fan!) It was absolutely stunning, and the sea was soooo warm, plus the waves were pretty big. We were staying in a beach house which was amazing, and everyone was so friendly. Wish I had photos but took my camera to the beach…I thought I had got sand in it which is why it had stopped working but the guy in the camera shop today said that wasn’t the problem…just some freaky coinkydink that it stopped working apparently…You’ll just have to come and see for yourself how gorgeous North Carolina beaches are!

CAROLINA! It was gorgeous!

